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Firebolt x Metabase

Date coming soon


AWS, Firebolt, and Metabase will tackle challenges around analytics performance, scalability, and cost, and talk tactics for advanced-level developers.


10:00 AM
Engineering sub-second analytics at TB+ scale with Firebolt
Are your queries not nearly as fast as you want them to be? In this session, you’ll learn how to deliver sub-second analytics over TB-scale datasets with the cloud data warehouse built for engineers. SQL Sultan Rob Harmon will explore how Firebolt ditches the traditional "just throw more resources at it" approach to reducing costs, while speeding up queries using indexes and partitions.
Robert Harmon
Solutions Architect at Firebolt
10:30 AM
Setting up customer-facing dashboards with Metabase
If you serve data to customers, you'll want to ship a solution that allows them to analyze the data they're authorized to see, while providing a great user experience. In this session, we’ll walk through how to set up self-serve analytics with Metabase. We'll cover a range of strategies for implementation, from low effort with big payoffs, to high effort with staggering customizability.
Cynthia Balusek
VP Success Engineering at Metabase
11:00 AM
Devs Talk Data
In each breakout room, we’ll tackle a specific challenge in a knowledge-sharing discussion.

→ Room 1 - Need for Speed: Techniques for maximizing performance
→ Room 2 - Optimizing costs: Query more data, faster and with fewer resources‍
→ Room 3 - Tools for scalability: Building a data infrastructure for fast-growing startups